Sandra Otila Ortiz
Counselling, Psychotherapy, Relationship and Psychosexual therapy for individuals and couples.
MBACP 379264, MNCS Accred 03275, COSRT 4164

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you"

Coming into therapy: the step you are about to take....
"I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being." Hafiz
Coming to therapy can sometimes feel difficult as we don't know what to expect. It can be strange to talk to someone we have never seen before and begin trusting them with our inner thoughts and feelings.
We want to be witnessed, validated and accepted from the truth of who we are. We also want to be able to understand and see with clarity the contradictions or paradoxes we experience within. Sometimes we just want to fix ourselves and stop feeling, thinking or doing something we dislike in ourselves.
Therapy offers an opportunity for you to be in a non judgemental space in which I aim to become a mirror for you to witness yourself. We walk together gently, safely and trusting to be able discover and uncover your diverse realities, and/or realities within your relationships and the relationship with yourself, even those you are not aware of yet.
Therapy gives you an opportunity to take a step towards yourself, a path back home!
The process into therapy
Initial contact
First consultation and assessment
In therapy

You can contact me via this website (section below), an email or a message and we can exchange initial information that might be useful for us to come to know each other and the way that my approach into therapy works. We can then organise an initial consultation.
The initial consultation is an opportunity for both of us to come to know each other better, understand what is it that brings you into therapy as well as to to have a better understanding of the way that we will be working together. It usually lasts around 40 to 45 minutes.
Once we have agreed into working together, I carry on a clinical assessment in which I ask diverse questions that give me an opportunity to come to know and understand yourself better as well as the struggle you may be experiencing.
After the assessment we may begin therapy. The minimum recommended sessions to take is 6, but therapy can also be long therapy. Sometimes we come into therapy because we would like to work with a specific issue in our lives and sometimes therapy works for us as a way of having a sound board that helps us navigate our inner world and live consciously and in awareness of oneself.
Please take a look at my profile section to know more about me as well as the services section to learn more about the services I provide.

Contact Me
Please do not hesitate to contact me to speak to me so you can know me, my way of working and as well as fees.
Eastway Enterprise Centre
7 Payne’s Park